eiji kaehira

eiji kaehira

Dr. med.
Chirurgie, Gastroenterologie
Brief Bio of Eiji Kanehira.
Eiji Kanehira was born in Kyoto, Japan in 1960. He graduated from Kanazawa Univ. in 1985 and worked at the Section of Minimally Invasive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Tuebingen Univ. 1991- 1992 under the direction of Prof. Gerhard Buess.

After coming back to Japan, he focused on endoscopic surgery and organ preserving surgery as one of the pioneers at the dawn of the new era of endoscopic surgery.

As Japan’s first freelance surgeon, he did not belong to any institute and walked about all Japan and foreign countries as well to perform invited surgery for about 250 cases a year. This unique activities were picked up by a lot of medias and TV programs and were broadcasted.
He was assigned to be the director of a virtual lab., ELK (Endosurgery Laboratory Kanehira) since 2002. In addition, he established AMESA (Ageo Medical Group Endosurgery Academy) in 2009 and became the chief director. Since 2012 he has been the CEO and senior consultant surgeon at Medical Topia Soka, where he is currently performing organ preserving surgeries.

Among “organ preserving surgeries”, he has been focusing especially on “complete preservation of the stomach for any gastric submucosal tumors” and “transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) for rectal diseases.

He underwent spine surgery (posterior fixation) for spinal canal stenosis and nerve root stenosis in December 2022. At the time of the current congress, he is still on the way to recovery.

Eiji Kanehira has been the Editor-in-Chief of an international journal “Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies” since 2010 (Impact Factor: 2.18 (2021)).

The half Kanehira life was made into Manga “Be a maverick” https://www.drsgate.com/company/c00042/kanehira_index.php?  

Eiji Kanehira has a YouTube self-introduction in Japanese https://youtu.be/d_r0COhFlbY

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