Nazmi Baycin

Nazmi Baycin

Plastische & Rekonstruktive Chirurgie
Dr. Nazmi Baycin is a renowned board-certified plastic surgeon with over 23 years of experience in the field. Originally from Turkey, he has been practicing in Dubai since 2016, where he has established himself as a leading figure in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery.

Dr. Baycin specializes in a wide range of procedures, including liposuction, breast augmentation, body contouring, facial surgeries, and female genital procedures. He is particularly known for his innovative approaches, such as scar-free breast augmentation and female genital aesthetics. His expertise extends to various other procedures like otoplasty, face lifts, eyelid surgery, and chin augmentation.

He is licensed by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and adheres to the highest international standards in his practice.

Dr. Baycin is not only focused on the physical aspects of plastic surgery but also emphasizes its psychological benefits. He believes that plastic surgery can significantly enhance both physical appearance and emotional well-being, boosting patients' self-esteem and confidence.

As a prominent figure in Dubai's growing medical tourism industry, Dr. Baycin contributes to the city's reputation as a global hub for plastic surgery. He combines advanced medical expertise with a commitment to personalized care, attracting patients from around the world seeking both cosmetic enhancements and necessary reconstructive procedures.

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