2nd Congress of International Society of Pediatric Respiratory Diseases

Veranstalter: Paragon Group
Veranstaltungsort: Sheraton Porto Hotel, Porto, Portugal
Webseite: Auf Seite
Frist: von: 2024-07-04 bis: 2024-07-07
Kosten: nicht näher bezeichnet
Das Veranstaltungsprogramm: siehe
Anzeigen: 839

We would like to enthusiastically invite you to attend The 2nd Congress of INSPiRED - the International Society of Pediatric Respiratory Diseases which will take place on 4-7 July, 2024 in Porto, Portugal.

The goals of the congress are to advance the knowledge and expertise of healthcare professionals around the globe by exchanging information and updating on recent data and guidelines for the management of respiratory diseases in children.

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