5th edition of A Day in Allergy and Respiratory Medicine

Veranstalter: Medetarian Conferences Organizing (MCO)
Veranstaltungsort: Le Meridien Dubai Hotel & Conference Centre, hybrid event, Dubai, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
Webseite: Auf Seite
Frist: von: 2022-01-29 bis: 2022-01-29
Kosten: nicht näher bezeichnet
Das Veranstaltungsprogramm: siehe
Anzeigen: 2411

As the conference chairman, it is my great pleasure to extend this opportunity to invite you to the “A Day in Allergy and Respiratory Medicine: The Fifth Edition" organized by Medetarian Conferences Organizing (MCO) this coming January 29, 2022, as a hybrid conference.

The success of our annual conventions has given us these new opportunities to continue our goal of improving the care of patients with respiratory problems.

In the year 2022, we strive to expand these meetings with best practices and experiences and to network with new and established colleagues, creating and strengthening clinical collaborations in the field of respiratory medicine. Thus, this hybrid conference is a breakthrough for us to cast our nets wider in promoting medical awareness amongst our peers worldwide.

I am forever grateful as well for our local and international speakers. From the bottom of my heart, I am humbled by your efforts and dedication to be part of this great milestone with me, a journey that has given me so much learning experience as a healthcare professional, nurturing further our understanding in providing the best clinical practice in dealing with respiratory and allergy problems.

To our sponsors, thank you very much for your unwavering support as always and for your commitment which has cemented a great foundation in our continuing partnership throughout the years. My gratitude as well to MCO for helping me shape this conference.

Lastly, I would like to thank everyone and those who join us online for being with us during this remarkable time. I hope that this conference will provide us with great knowledge as we open a new chapter of our journey together.

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