4th Annual Course – Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry for Pathologists

Veranstalter: Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Veranstaltungsort: Auditorium Maximum, Jagiellonian University, Str. Krupnicza 33, Krakow, Poland., Krakow, Polen
Webseite: Auf Seite
CME-Punkte: Application sub
Frist: von: 2017-10-18 bis: 2017-10-20
Kosten: 370 EUR
Das Veranstaltungsprogramm: siehe
Anzeigen: 1739

The course is organized in cooperation between Jagiellonian University and Oncology Center in Krakow with support of Stavanger University Hospital, NordiQC, Polish Society of Pathology and Norwegian Society of Pathology.
The goal of the course is to provide updated diagnostically relevant information on immunohistochemical markers, useful antibodies, optimal clones and antibody panels applicable in diagnostic pathology as well as highlight the possible laboratory and diagnostic pitfalls. The course will consist of series of lectures focusing on broad fields in diagnostic pathology and selected relevant topics, as well as case demonstrations based on virtual slides. Given recommendations will be based on the results of the relevant epitope assessments conducted in EQA programs and focused on protocol optimization and standardization.

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