James Kondrup
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- Interessenbereich
- Gynäkologie
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- Biographie
- Dr. Kondrup graduated from SUNY Upstate Medical University. He completed his residency at Bridgeport Hospital in Bridgeport, Connecticut. He is Board Certifed by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology and is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. He is accredited by Accreditation Council for Gynecological Endoscopy.
Dr. Kondrup's Appointments include: Clinical Assistant Professor, SUNY Health Science Center, Binghamton, Department of OB/GYN; Chairman, Lourdes Laser Committee; Member, Lourdes OR Committee; Member, Lourdes Credentials Committeel; and Member, Lourdes OB/GYN QA Committee.
Dr. Kondrup is affliated with Lourdes Hospital and United Health Services Hospitals.
Dr. Kondrup has extensive training in laparoscopic surgery and laser surgery. He has introduced many new procedures in the Southern Tier Region since 1988.
Dr. Kondrup has been affiliated with Dr. Robert J. Kiltz, MD and CNY Fertility Center, Central New York's first successful IVF center for over 10 years. Through his affiliation Dr. Kondrup and team work to ensure the latest, most technologically advanced fertility care is available locally. By providing this care here, patients are able to save a considerable amount of time and money by not having to travel outside the Binghamton area.
Dr. Kondrup travels nationally and internationally to train surgeons on advanced laparoscopic gynecological techniques. He has extensive experience with all fertility treatment options.
In early 2019 Dr. Kondrup relocated to Venice, Florida where he is still practicing Minimally Invasive GYN Surgery.
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